Why Use ASP NET For Web Development

So, if you like to expose your service data to the browsers and as well as all these modern devices apps in fast and simple way, you should have an API which is compatible with browsers and all these devices. Today, a web-based application is not enough to reach it’s customers. People are very smart, they are using iphone, mobile, tablets etc. devices in its daily life.

So, if you were to call this method, pass a string as one of the arguments, like add(“hello”, 123), and attempt to compile the code, the compiler will stop the build process and alert you to the error. Chances are, however, you wouldn’t even try to compile the code because Visual Studio performs its own type and syntax checking; the IDE will warn you of errors before you even try to compile . Software cost is an important factor when developing a website.

why use asp net

If you want to use ReactJS in asp.net core you must keep in mind that asp.net core is the api part just to return the data or to receive your ajax request to post data. 2.Angular is far superior in terms of performance.The model-binding aspects of Angular is a gigantic advantage of server-side rendering. Using Razor does, however, lend itself to better overall integrity as far as data goes and it makes for a better transition of data from front-end to back-end. 1.Razor supports mobile,and both are optimized and fast in their own way.

Your Answer

You could use ASP.NET, and the fact that you are using AngularJS won’t make your server-side code more MVC. If you want to be able to structure your server-side application as MVC, you’ll rather pick ASP.NET MVC. So, if you are used to writing ASP.NET applications in C#, it should be easy to transition to ASP.NET Core. It’s a modern web-application framework that allows you to create websites and API’s.

why use asp net

Interactions with a data store and other remote services are often the slowest parts of an ASP.NET Core app. Reading and writing data efficiently is critical for good performance. Servers implement the Stream interface, which has both synchronous and asynchronous overloads.

ASP.NET Core is a new version of ASP.NET that runs on every major computing platform, including Windows, MacOS and Linux. Like ASP.NET, it is open source, created by Microsoft and allows developers to create web applications, web services, and dynamic content-driven websites. First released in 2016, ASP.NET Core is relatively new, but has already received a 2.0 release and is now a stable alternative to Windows-hosted ASP.NET web applications. Developers who know ASP.NET can leverage their existing knowledge of C# and can quickly pick up the framework differences introduced in ASP.NET Core. It’s actually easy to get into the mindset that ASP.NET isn’t suited for anything but large-scale sites. Microsoft is a platform company, after all, and their products are primarily focused towards business solutions.

It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web services and web applications. ASP.NET MVC Questions and Answers Book ASP.NET MVC is an open source and lightweight web application development framework from Microsoft. This book has been written to prepare yourself for ASP.NET MVC Interview. This book is equally helpful to sharpen their programming skills and understanding ASP.NET MVC in a short time.

Moreover Web API is open source an ideal platform for building REST-ful services over the .NET Framework. ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can be consumed by a broad range of clients including browsers, mobiles, iphone and tablets. It is very similar to ASP.NET MVC since it contains the MVC features such as routing, controllers, action results, filter, model binders, IOC container or dependency injection. I have learned about ASP.NET and the PHP and other programming languages on my journey that I have shared with you people. There is a free tool by Microsoft, WebMatrix that is specially designed for the starters of the ASP.NET technology, or those who develop indie or personal websites. That software is free, and comes shipped with SQL Server CE and has a built-in SQL Server Manager to let you manage the database that you’re having.

After compilation, the code can be executed over and over by the .Net platform very quickly. All clients side parts will handled by ReactJS, no razor views, you can have only one to reference your reacts application or simply you can reference it using plain html page. MVC on the server and on the client is just a convenient way to organize code that used to be a mess in 2001. Granted, the more you do after that initial HTML is delivered, the less you need server-side MVC. For example, I worked on a ASP.NET MVC/Angular application where external Angular templates might actually be .NET MVC ActionResult. That means your server controller could merge data into its view, deliver it to Angular as a template, and Angular’s controller could then merge its data into the view.

Why People Hate ASP.NET

Your valuable feedback, question, or comments about this article are always welcome. Used to build simple, non-SOAP-based HTTP Services on top of existing WCF message pipeline. Its of course always good practice to make sure you actually need an async method and it could not just be sync, but that is another topic. Both variants shown in the question are asynchronous; that isn’t the question.

ASP.NET development is thought to be expensive for two reasons. The host may configure some services before Startup methods are called. The typical pattern is to call all the Add methods and then call all of the services.Configure methods. Called by the host before the Configure method to configure the app’s services. So due to this, there is no huge difference between PHP and ASP.NET. Oh well, ASP.NET has also gone Open Source, to remove the down vote of the open source lovers.

  • But, ASP.NET has some methods of its own that make it better and secure.
  • These applications offer improved efficiency by taking advantage of early linking, just-in-time compilation, native optimization, and caching services straight out of the box.
  • I will try to explain why one should use ASP.NET over other programming languages.
  • Step further, you can get the Visual Studio Express, that is for free and lets you develop some intermediate level software and an enterprise level web applications too.
  • ConfigureServices is primarily for DI and setting up various library setup included for your project.

Asynchronous APIs allow a small pool of threads to handle thousands of concurrent requests by not waiting on blocking calls. Rather than waiting on a long-running synchronous task to complete, the thread can work on another request. But if I still can’t persuade you to give C# a try, ASP.NET sites do not have to be written in C# (or even VB.NET… but who would want to do that?). There are .NET-enabled versions of PHP, Ruby, Python, and PERL that you can use to write ASP.NET sites with, and they are just as dynamic as usual thanks to the Dynamic Language Runtime, a feature of .NET 4. So while I recommend anyone picking up ASP.NET to learn C#, you don’t have to leave your comfort zone if you don’t want to .


This can be done using a wide-range of web frameworks, such as ASP.NET Core Web API, ASP.NET Core MVC, and Microsoft’s newest web framework, Blazor. If, however, you were writing a library function that got called hundreds, or thousands, of times per request – then it is worth thinking about more aggressive ways of optimizing the task machinery. Try throwing an exception in GetSomeDataAsync and compare the stack traces. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.

why use asp net

This means you don’t need to worry about your software becoming yesterday’s news any time soon. The compilation process also provides validation that all of the code is consistent. Interpreted languages would not identify this error until the code is actually run and tested. In a large application, it is very time consuming to manually test every scenario, or to write and maintain additional code that tests of every scenario, whenever code is changed. There are plenty of good reasons to use ASP.NET when developing a website or an application. High speed, low cost, and vast language support are among the most significant benefits.

What is Web API and why to use it?

ASP.NET itself is a basic implementation of the .NET Framework over Internet services and the websites. You can create as many projects as you want, and run on the same server. These applications offer improved efficiency by taking advantage of early http://karah.ru/country2014-11.htm linking, just-in-time compilation, native optimization, and caching services straight out of the box. The most recent framework of ASP.NET is ASP.NET core which is an open-source, cross-platform, and cloud-based internet-connected web application.

Whereas you can still do that in PHP, you will be required to write the code yourself. The above code is enough, and is not the smallest limit ASP.NET can reach, it can accept the least amount of code to be a single element or nothing. The previous section still has the code formatting and readability. At least they must once try it out, I myself started from PHP, but I shifted to ASP.NET as soon as I wrote the first web page.

ASP.NET is vast enough for you to develop any sort of application, and you don’t even have to worry about the platform, thanks to the Mono Project, you can now write the ASP.NET applications on the non-Windows OS too. Before Mono Project, PHP was the multi-platform language, but now, ASP.NET too is a multi-platform language. Finally, even though ASP.NET is open source and free to use, it is actively developed and supported by the world’s largest software company, Microsoft. Microsoft is heavily invested in their development platforms, their developer community, and supporting the software companies use to run these applications.

why use asp net

ConfigureServices is primarily for DI and setting up various library setup included for your project. @hguser Add~ methods in ConfigureServices configure the dependency injection container by adding services or configurations. The Use~ methods in the Configure method configure the ASP.NET Core middleware pipeline.

ASP.NET’s software framework .NET Framework is now only being updated for critical fixes, in-terms of bugs and security. However, from version 5, the ‘Core’ word was removed from .NET Core. That means that from version 5 and beyond, ASP.NET Core is now part of the .NET platform.

Misconception: It’s Horrible for Large, Enterprise-class Websites

Don’t think there is typo above, a beginner will always make mistakes in the code and will create an unsecure application. SQL Injection can be prevented using the SqlParameters, that allow us to minimize the injection. The very first reason to hate ASP.NET and to not use it is that is was developed by Microsoft and is not an open-source project. Ok, you must believe me in this because I can support my line with this survey on the CodeProject, Do you feel Open Source software is better than proprietary software? Where you can easily find that 42.41% people have voted “Yes”.

You’ll gain a greater understanding of how it works under the hood, and you can apply that same knowledge when writing your own code. In business, there are many factors that make up the “cost” of a product. The initial price obviously needs to be considered, but the benefit of the product is also factored into the overall cost. In addition, you can also use this to add your own services so that you can make use of dependency injection within the application as well; for example to resolve your own services within a controller.

Razor optimizes code by not using a tree like MVC does. React is client side so it doesn’t really use a tree, but also optimizes data in the HTML to an extent. Earn 10 reputation in order to answer this question. The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity.

Well, people don’t try ASP.NET by just reading about it being a product of Microsoft and then skip it. Atleast they must once try it out, I myself started from PHP, but I shifted to ASP.NET as soon as I wrote the first web page. Lastly, it’s often espoused that ASP.NET is not in demand, and that simply is not true. Demand is somewhat subjective because different areas of the world and in the country you live have different job markets.

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